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I know this is Hard to do: When to give up on a Sale (Hint: It’s Not Never) 01/04/2011

Posted by Lease A Sales Rep in Prospecting.
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 Perseverance and determination are critically important talents for a seller.  No one disputes that.  But, the flip side of perseverance is stalking and that of determination is mule-headedness.

The question often isn’t whether to give up, it is when

I know, I know.  Everyone’s favorite theory is “never give up

Professional sellers realize very quickly that the amount of time available for prospecting diminishes as they become more successful.  One reason is because some sellers are tasked with securing the initial sale from a prospect and providing continuing service beyond the sale.  The more sales one makes, the more time one spends on the service side of the equation and the less time available for bringing in new business. 

This truth makes it imperative that every seller have a system for choosing prospects.  A qualification process that assures each prospect is worth the time spent trying to turn them into a customer.  In most service businesses, the process includes an evaluation of a prospect’s revenue potential, access to the prospect’s decision makers, product /service fit and the account manager’s desire to commit to the sales process.

Revenue Potential
Can the prospect afford to do business with you?  If being a successful advertiser on your advertising vehicle requires that a customer spend $5,000 per week, you’ll need to know if the prospects to whom you are speaking can afford to spend at least $5,000 per week.  There are many ways to figure this out but since it is not the crux of this article, we’ll need to tackle it at another time.

Access to Decision Makers
If there is absolutely no way to get in front of the decision maker; it will hardly matter if the prospect has all the revenue potential in the world.  Let’s not confuse the advertising agency with the client in this case.  If you have access to the decision makers at the advertising agency but not the client, then the advertising agency is your real customer and the revenue potential of the account is reduced to the amount of money being allocated to the agency.

Product Fit
Sellers must be rigorous in determining whether a product will appeal to the audience they reach.  The temptation to chase all dollars regardless of product fit is a trap that ensnares the negligent and sucks their time.

Desire to Commit
When a seller comes across a prospect with the three characteristics described above they often conclude that they have found a great prospect.  But, the final piece of the puzzle is the seller’s willingness to work hard for the prospect’s business over the course of time.  While it may seem silly to think that a seller wouldn’t be committed to calling on a prospect that satisfies the first three qualifiers, it happens all the time.  For example, some sellers don’t want to call on car dealers, for example.  Sellers must display a passion for the industry category of the prospect or else the prospect won’t feel as if the seller really has his interests in mind.  While there are some sellers who are pretty good at pretending they have an interest in everything under the sun, most don’t have a passion for digging deep into every industry and can’t fake it, either.

Determined sellers calling on prospects they have qualified using the system above might be tempted to call on them forever.  But, keep in mind that the qualifying system is based on our perspective as sellers.  The prospects might not agree with our conclusion and might find our advances unwanted or even annoying.  In light of this, there may come a time when a seller should give up on a qualified prospect. 

Experienced and wise sellers will be able to figure this out after having a meaningful conversation with the prospect’s decision makers.  They might learn that the prospect doesn’t have the necessary revenue potential for the seller’s medium because the prospect just doesn’t believe in using that medium.  Or, the prospect might not believe that the seller’s audience fits the product quite so much as the seller believes it. 

Either way, when the prospect’s decision maker has listened to the seller and rejected his medium and/or his advertising vehicle it is almost time to give up.  When the seller has offered multiple arguments in an effort to change the decision maker’s mind and is still unable, it is getting closer to the time to give up.  When the decision maker has called the seller’s sales manager and suggested that his next call is the local police department, then chances are good it is time to give up.

But, of course, not forever. 

Only for as long as the decision maker is in place.  As soon as the prospect has a new decision maker the process begins anew!

If you are hitting brick walls with your sales, or you don’t have enough leads, can’t get the meeting with the prospect, or prospects are disappearing, poof, vanish, after you give them a proposal, lets us do the work for you.

 We will get you through those brick walls, get you the leads, get you the appointments, track down the prospects and close the sale. Don’t lose 1 more day and anymore ground to your competitors, call us NOW!

Gilbert Pagan

Tips to stop Sabotaging Yourself and becoming Successful 09/10/2010

Posted by Lease A Sales Rep in Inspiration.
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Some of my clients, who are on the verge of a breakthrough, teeter between two divergent paths. One is the path of staying exactly where they are- stuck in old routines, old patterns, and a life that is missing something substantial. The other path is a breakthrough into the life they really want.

I thrive on helping people make breakthroughs into more authentic power and profit- with balance. The authenticity is what connects them to their spirit. Working part-time and taking plenty of vacations is what allows for the balance.

But to get there, you have to be willing to stop getting in your own way! Read on for 3 key strategies to stop sabotaging yourself.

Tip #1 – Stop listening to “others” and turn up the volume of your own authentic voice.

“Others”, who hold you back, may be a spouse, friends, a relative, even some well-intentioned coaches. And they are welcome to their opinions. They are on their own journey and it’s easy for people to confuse their journeys with yours. But don’t let that stop you! Turn down their volumes.

Trust your intuition and follow the path, and the people, that will lead you to more profit, more authentic power and more fulfillment.

Tip #2 – Understand that fear and doubt are an opportunity for a breakthrough.

You must experience fears before you have a breakthrough.  It’s how you know that growth is just around the corner.

When you feel fear (or terror) in the face of an opportunity that initially feels really exciting, recognize that you have a choice- stay stuck OR take advantage of an opportunity that is on your spiritual path for growth.

Which one do you want?  I can tell you that when I’ve chosen the opportunities that excited yet scared me- my income sky-rocketed and my soul thrived.

Tip #3 – Stop trying to “be perfect” and wanting to “know it all right now”.

Wanting to “be perfect” and wanting to “know it all right now” holds a LOT of people back.  “Perfect” doesn’t exist, so the sooner you let that go, the better.  (All successes have unexpected curves along the way).  And you can’t know it ALL right now.  Nobody does- ever.  All brilliant businesses started with ideas, baby steps and learning along the way!

Let go of “perfection”, discard the urge to know it all right now, and invest in the right opportunity for growth.   That is the path I, and other successful entrepreneurs, have taken to reach much higher profit and fulfillment- with soul and balance.

If you need a breakthrough in your business, give us a call. We will be your sledgehammer.

Gilbert Pagan